The company's collagen is converted into small molecule peptides from animal skin through enzymatic hydrolysis. It contains more than 20 amino acids required by the human. It’s a high-purity natural active product mainly used in food, beverages, dietary supplements, and energy bars. The company produces bovine and fish collagen peptides







Hard Gelatine Capsules

Soft Gelatine Capsules

Vitamin Coating


Edible Gelatin

Edible gelatin is a hydrolyzed product of collagen, a fat-free high protein and cholesterol-free food thickener. It is a food thickening agent and will neither make you fat nor cause a loss of physical strength when consumed. Gelatin is also a strong protective colloid, emulsifying force, after entering the stomach can inhibit milk, soy milk and other proteins due to the role of gastric acid caused by the cohesive effect, thus facilitating food digestion.

Edible gelatin is the use of pig, cow, sheep and other animals of bone and skin collagen. Processed through the degradation of denaturation. Containing more than 8 kinds of L-type amino acids, is a pure protein. Does not contain fat and cholesterol. Extremely easy to be absorbed by the body, made of hair gelatin food. Certain diseases have certain therapeutic effects, especially for children's development, with ideal nutritional value.

Edible gelatin is white or light yellow-brown, translucent, slightly glossy crisp or powder, almost odorless, tasteless. Insoluble in cold water, but can absorb 5 times the amount of cold water and soften the expansion. Soluble in hot water, forming gel after cooling. Soluble in aqueous solutions of polyols such as acetic acid, glycerol and propylene glycol. Insoluble in ethanol, ether, chloroform and most other non-polar organic solvents.

Gelatin can be divided into four categories according to its use: photographic, edible, medicinal and industrial. Edible gelatin as a thickener is widely used in the food industry to add such as jelly, food coloring, advanced fudge, ice cream, dry vinegar, yogurt, frozen food and so on. In the chemical industry, it is mainly used as a raw material for bonding, emulsification and the production of high-grade cosmetics.

Pharmaceutical Gelatin

Gelatin used in the production of pharmaceutical products. Its use: some are direct, such as the production of cod liver oil; some are indirect, such as hard capsules, which are used as the packaging of drugs. Pharmaceutical gelatine and edible gelatine, photographic gelatine, industrial gelatine, are based on the use of gelatine and quality indicators require different division of a class of gelatine products. Appearance of light yellow or yellow particles, dry, clean, uniform, no inclusions, and its solution has no unpleasant odor. Sometimes, people used to call medicinal gelatine for medical gelatine, or pharmaceutical gelatine, are the same product.

Gelatine's gelatinous, water-solidifying, adhesive and soluble properties, as well as its chemical purity, make gelatine in the pharmaceutical industry has a wide range of uses, the most important of which are hard capsules, soft capsules, plasma substitute and coating and so on.

Fish Collagen Peptides

Fish collagen peptide is a high molecular functional protein. Collagen is the main component of the skin, accounting for 80% of the dermis of the skin. It forms a fine elastic network in the skin , firmly locking moisture to support the skin. The regeneration rate of collagen in the human body after digestion through gastric juice cannot be verified. ACMETEA belongs to the world's top collagen, is the most abundant protein in the animal body, belongs to the insoluble fiber-type protein, but also in the extracellular matrix of a class, mainly in the connective tissue.


Global collagen is mainly extracted from fish:
1. Collagen extracted from fish scales
The collagen extracted from fish scales is mostly tilapia because tilapia grows mainly in high-temperature freshwater waters and is more resilient, and grows much faster than wild deep-sea fish under artificial feeding conditions, which greatly reduces the raw material cost of collagen extracted from fish, and it is also the more popular fish collagen.
2. Collagen extracted from deep-sea fish skin
Fish skin extracted collagen to deep-sea cod skin mostly, cod is mainly produced in the Pacific Ocean near the Arctic Ocean, the North Atlantic cold waters, the cod eat a lot of food, is a gluttonous migratory fish is also one of the world's largest annual catch of fish, has an important economic value. Because of the safety of deep-sea cod, there is no risk of animal diseases and artificial farming drug residues, and contains its own unique antifreeze protein, so it is the most recognized by women in various countries of the fish collagen.


Product application:
(1) Biomedical materials: artificial skin, artificial esophagus, artificial trachea, burns protective film
(2) Pharmaceuticals and medical applications: plastic surgery, slow-release drugs, bladder incontinence drugs, etc.
(3) Cosmetics: skin care cream (cream) (water retention), hair moisturizer, etc.
(4) Food industry: health food, beverages
(5) Chemical raw materials: paints, plastics, inks, etc.
(6) Research applications: cell culture, biosensors, bioreactor stretcher membranes, platelet coagulation reagents.
(7) Others: Collagen combined with resin to reimburse cigarette filters and filter materials.

Bovine Collagen Peptides

Collagen pepride is made of skin or bone through prelreatment and biodegradation to form macromolecular collagenpolypeplide, with a mean molecular weight of less than 2000. lt contains more than 20 total amino acids, the proteincontains more than 979, it has the advantages of nature and pure protcin with good nutritive valuc.


Edible Gelatin


Soft Gelatine Capsules

Pharma Gelatin

Soft Gelatine Capsules

Hard Capsules

Pharma Gelatin

Hard Capsules

Functional Drink

Bovine Collagen/Fish Collagen

Functional Drink


Bovine Collagen/Fish Collagen
