Shandong Hengxin Biotech Co .,Ltd
Founded in Binzhou, China in 2015, Shandong Hengxin Biotech Co., Ltd. has grown into the largest manufacturer of gelatin and collagen peptides across Asia. Its products include gelatin and collagen peptides for global food, nutrational supplement and pharmaceutical industries. Through continous innovation on product, technology and management, Hengxin has contributed to the success of globally recognized partners.
With Hengxin, we have never lost sight of community, ethics, and sustainability. Hengxin is proudly to be granted with the 1st wastewater discharge permit issued by the governments in the gelatin manufacturing industry in China. While taking care of the environment, Hengxin also contribute to a better living of its staff members, suppliers and global clients.
Annual production of gelatin
Annual production of collagen
Factory and Laboratories
Focuse On Quality, Dedicate To Development
Quality Management
Bffective ouality management svstem and operating mechanism are established and nerfected in compliance with aualitv standards in ordero create value for consumersWe have the certificatation audit and verification to ensure the conformity to ISO norms. laws and regulatorrequirements.